Education FAQ’s

Education FAQ’s


Education FAQ’s

Q. What time does King John’s Castle Open

We open at 9:30am until 6pm. Last admission 5pm.

Q. How do you pay for school tours?

Payment can be made in advance of your visit or upon arrival at admissions. Please note no groups can be admitted without full payment being received.
We accept the following:
Cheque – made payable to ‘Discover Limerick DAC’
Bank Transfer*
Credit Card
*Please note Bank Transfers must be paid in advance of your booking. Please contact reservations on 061 370500

Q. What’s included in a school tour?

A self guided tour includes a visit to the 13th century castle, meet the castle cahracters, medieval dress up, crawl through the siege tunnel, climb the castle towers, visit the Moneyer and mint your own coin, fire a canon.

Q. What is not included?

A guided tour. These have a separate fee of €10 per student.

Q. Is there a lunch area?

Where possible we provide lunch area. This is outdoor and uncovered in the courtyard.

Q. What if the weather is bad?

The exhibition areas and towers are fully covered however the courtyard is not. We always advise groups to have a change of clothes on their bus just in case.

Q. Can teachers leave their groups with King John’s Castle Tour Guides?

No. Teachers must remain with their groups at all times. School groups remain the responsibility of their teachers while they are visiting.

Q. Are there are toilet facilities?

Yes we have ample facilities in the exhibition space and glass building.

Q. Is there wheelchair access?

The Exhibition and Castle Courtyard is accessible by wheelchair and has full toilet facilities on site. However the undercroft and castle towers are not. Please note that the courtyard is gravel so is uneven in places.

King Johns Castle